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Last batch of new SF comics! | April 21, 2017
I meant to put this up on Monday but leaving town for the long weekend distracted me :'D However, here they are!

Cosmic Fish - Acantha and her kind are monsters called "ghosts". They aren't part of the "life cycle", where every living soul filters through two planetary guardians. As the different ghosts and monsters change — both emotionally and physically — they attempt find the answers behind the mystery of their existence, and either heal or run from past mistakes.

Fine Sometimes Rain - A slice of life about love, friendship, and overcoming depression.

Evil Witch Allie - Jake found a little girl claiming to be a witch wandering alone outside his house on Halloween. It would have been nice if that turned out to be the weirdest part of his night.

Paisley Brickstone - Being the new kid is never easy, but life gets even harder for Harvey Mammaroth when gym class takes a wild turn and he and his classmates find themselves trapped in an empty school. Is the whole thing just a vague assignment set up by their sadistic gym teacher, Coach Trener? Or is something much darker going on?

October 20 - After a decade of fighting the curse that has befallen them, Catherine and Raimundo have their backs to the wall. The last of their allies have been claimed by the monster that comes for them every year on October the 20th. Can they survive the day? Can they find a way to go on, even if they lose everything? And can they find the man called Shields McKloskey, who seems to hold all the answers?

Check 'em out!!


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