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THE END!! | August 31, 2012
And that's a wrap!

Thank you for sticking around through this minicomic, the main story will resume shortly. Next week things will go back to the old twice-weekly schedule, updating Monday and Friday until I'm more confident that I can pick up the pace (job hunting, aahhh). Monday's update will probably be just the cover; the first story update will be on Friday, so check back in then for the next installment with Kiran and Teeko. C:

Some people expressed some curiosity about whether the minicomics I printed up would be for sale online-- now that the convention is over and I still have about 10 copies left, they are! They're $7 apiece (plus shipping I suppose), about 5"x7" in dimension, and they contain the entirety of the coloured minicomic. If anyone is interested, you can email me at varethane @ I've also got prints of several of the pieces in the gallery.

Note: I'm going to be out of town until Monday-- I'll still have net access and the comic will keep updating, but I think it's important to mention this. XD;


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